Smart investors increasingly recognize the many benefits that middle- market direct lending can add to an investment portfolio. Middle-market loans:
- Are designed to provide attractive risk-adjusted return
- Offer valuable diversification to a fixed income portfolio
- Are typically structured with covenants and more modest levels of leverage
- Typically offer better downside protections due to seniority and collateral, compared to broadly syndicated senior loans and second lien loans
- Are generally floating-rate, which provides protection against increasing interest rates
NXT Capital is a manager with multiple platforms and strategies that manages levered and unlevered private debt funds and separate accounts for institutional investors. Our investment programs provide investors proprietary access to directly originated first lien senior secured loans that are not broadly traded or otherwise generally available without a loan origination platform. NXT Capital invests alongside the private debt funds it manages, which creates substantial alignment of interest.
NXT Capital’s investor base includes global public and private pension plans, insurance companies, endowments, foundations and other institutional investors.
NXT Capital Investment Advisers, LLC, a subsidiary of NXT Capital LLC, is a Registered Investment Adviser. For more information about NXT Capital’s private debt funds, contact us today.
Investment Alternatives
- Loan funds
- Separately managed accounts
- Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)
- Unlevered and levered
- Onshore and offshore
- Single and multi-investor
- ERISA compliant
*Numbers have been rounded and are unaudited. Represents capital currently invested, available capital not currently invested, which is either based on a contractual capital commitment for the program or our understanding of the program’s capital commitment expectation, and equity. Certain programs can unilaterally reduce or cancel their capital commitment, which would reduce the Assets shown above. Includes SMA, single investor programs, strategic partnerships ($5.6B), co-mingled funds ($2.1B), and invested capital or expected capital from parent, ORIX Corporation USA ($2.5B). SMAs, single investor programs, and co-mingled funds are clients of NXT Capital Investment Advisers, LLC. Strategic Partners are not advisory clients.